We host dance classes, tai chi, qi gong, yoga, study groups, presentations, movies, fundraisers and various special events. Our 78 square meter venue can accommodate 20-24 people on yoga mats, and approximately 50 people for a lecture, movie or presentation.  We can provide table seating for 20 and are currently hosting ongoing classes, special events and workshops between November and May each year. We organize our work around the 12 principles of attitudinal healing, recognizing that the greatest power that exists is Love. Inquiries can be directed to nansee@mcn.org.
75 Boca del Rio, La Huerta, 48898 La Manzanilla, Jal, Mexico
Nansee also offers wedding ceremony officiating
It is a great honor to perform a marriage ceremony. I will work with you to find just the right sentiments for this important rite of passage. Your wedding can reflect your vision as a couple.
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