8:00 am 9:00 pm daily
La Manzanilla grocery store, Costalinda, is located on the corner across the street from the town square and the church. Don’t let the fact that the store is jam packed full overwhelm you! If you are Rocio’s store long enough you’ll come to appreciate her extensive inventory. If you want something but can’t find it just ask, chances are they have it.
This store features a nice selection of imported items; pasta sauces, Asian sauces, mustards, olives and olive oils to name a few. Check the cold case for cheeses and yogurt as well as frozen chicken, steak, shrimp and fish.
You’ll also find fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables, paper products, cereals, cookware and food store items.
Looking for a gift? Costalinda has costume jewelery, baby products, gift wrap, pinata’s and many other gift items to choose from.
Next door you’ll find a well stocked liquor store, cold beer, wine, liquor and mixers as well as ice for sale.
Be sure to stop by Costalinda for all your shopping needs while enjoying you La Manzanilla vacation! Rocio is a delightful person, always smiling and attentive.